Eloise and David 10/12

Eloise and David 10/12

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hair Cutting Time

The First hair cut = Success. Something needed to be done, but I wasn't sure what or how, but I was so pleased with the result and Ellie looks so stink-in cute! There were a few tears shed (NOT me HER), but we made it...there's nothing that a dum-dum can't cure.



Wiping down the Barbour Shop Toys so they won't be dirty (gotta love this girl)

Had to break out the Dum-Dum's before the actual haircut...distraction tactic

Dum-Dums only last so long....

After...not a huge change but definitely an improvement

1 comment:

doffyjean said...

She did look upset, see how red the nose and ears are. Isn't she so cute.