Eloise and David 10/12

Eloise and David 10/12

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hair Cutting Time

The First hair cut = Success. Something needed to be done, but I wasn't sure what or how, but I was so pleased with the result and Ellie looks so stink-in cute! There were a few tears shed (NOT me HER), but we made it...there's nothing that a dum-dum can't cure.



Wiping down the Barbour Shop Toys so they won't be dirty (gotta love this girl)

Had to break out the Dum-Dum's before the actual haircut...distraction tactic

Dum-Dums only last so long....

After...not a huge change but definitely an improvement

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year! Happy New Baby!

Since it's been a while I have some pre-Christmas, Christmas and Post Christmas Pictures to share. Plus one very BIG announcement. Eloise is going to be a BIG Sister in April!
On the hunt for the Perfect Christmas Tree...

This was my first pick...maybe next year?

We went with this one...
Me and Santa 2011...no tears were shed!

Christmas Morning 2011!!!

And the un-wrapping begins...
Exhausted from un-wrapping, but must get up this slide.
It was finally warm enough after the New Year to play outside.

Ellie and Dinner time = many laughs from audience